About Us
Asemahle “Theo” Jack started Amazi Wethu e. V. (which means “Our Waters” in his mother tongue) together with passionate friends because they are passionate about giving back, or as some people say – paying it forward. Amanzi Wethu e. V. is working alongside Marine Inspirations and other volunteers with the aim to better the lives of young kids, both male and female, who show an interest in a maritime career.
The main objective is to reach out to those that are less fortunate and to lend a helping hand, not only financially but also with mentoring. Our first success was when we ran a Go Fund Me campaign and managed to raise enough money for a young man to finish his final Matric year at lawhill Maritime Centre in Cape Town. Sifundo Sithole, is the lucky guy, who is originally from Kwa Mashu Township in Durban and who had already completed two years at LMC but had no sponsor for his final year. He is also a keen sailor.
We strongly believe that education is key to ensuring and maintaining a sustainable and promising future for South Africa, and as a man who also had little opportunity Theo has made it his mission to create effective avenues that support those who are struggling to take that first step towards prosperity and fulfilment.